John Ehret Boy’s Wrestling Information
- No experience is necessary. You will be taught the fundamentals of wrestling.
- Everyone makes the team.
- It’s a safe sport because moves that cause injuries are illegal and if a move is potentially dangerous, the referee can stop the match to prevent injury.
- The weight classes are 106 lb., 113 lb., 120 lb., 126 lb., 132 lb., 138 lb., 145 lb., 152 lb., 160 lb., 171 lb., 185 lb., 192 lb., 220 lb., 285 lb.
- Practice begins the first week of October. It’s never too late to join.
- Matches are on Wednesdays and tournaments on Saturdays.
- Football players and cross country runners are welcome after the season is over.
- Wrestling practices are held in the wrestling room located in front of the gym, to the right and upstairs after school. Stop in and check us out.
- A medical history exam by a doctor is needed before you can practice.